Opposi words -4

sad -happy
sadness -happiness
safe -dangerous
safety -danger
salt -sugar
(the) same- different, the other
satisfaction -regret
to satisfy- to annoy
to save- to spend, to waste
to scream -to whisper
security -danger
seldom -often
to sell -to buy
to send -to receive, to save
senior- junior
to separate- to connect, to unite
serious- funny
servant -master
to set- free to arrest
shallow -deep
sharp -blunt
shelter -exposure
short -long, tall
to shout- to whisper
to shut -to open
sick -healthy
silent -noisy
silly -intelligent
simple -complicated
to sink -to rise
single -married
sister -brother
to sit -to stand
slim -fat
slow- fast, quick
small -big, large, tall
smooth -rough
soft -hard, rough
solid -liquid
some- many
sometimes -often
son -daughter
soul -body
sour -sweet
south -north
special -general, ordinary
spring -autumn
to stand -to sit
to start -to stop
start -finish, end, stop
to stop -to start, to go
to stand -to lie
strange -normal
stranger -native
strict -gentle
strong -weak
student -teacher
stupid -clever, intelligent
suburb- centre
to succeed -to fail
success -failure
to subtract- to add
sugar- salt
summer -winter
sun -moon
sunny -cloudy, rainy
supporter -opponent
to suspect -to trust
sweet- bitter, sour
synonym -antonym

to take -to give
to take off -to land
tall -small, short
to teach -to learn
teacher -pupil, student
then -now
terrible -lovely
there- here
thick -thin
thin -thick, fat
thirsty -hungry
to throw -to catch
tight- loose
tiny -giant, huge
together -apart
tomorrow -yesterday
top -bottom
total -partial
town -village
tragedy- comedy
true -false
to trust -to suspect

ugliness -beauty
ugly -beautiful, handsome (boys), pretty (girls)
under -over
to unite -to divide, to separate
unity -division
up -down
upstairs -downstairs
urban- rural
useful -useless
useless -useful

vacant -occupied
valley -mountain
vertical -horizontal
victory -defeat
village -town
violent -gentle
visitor -host
voluntary -compulsory
vowel -consonant

war- peace
warm- cool
to waste -to save
water -land
weak -powerful, strong
wealth -poverty
wealthy -poor
wedding -divorce
well -(gesund) ill
west -east
wet- dry
to whisper -to scream, to shout
white -black
whole -part
wide -narrow
wife -husband
to win -to lose
winner -loser
winter -summer
to work -to rest
woman -man
women -men
worse -better
worst -best
wrong -correct, right

yes -no
yesterday- tomorrow
young- old

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